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Instagram shows how images boost brand awareness


Instagram ad success points to the rise of visual content, but marketers don’t have to pay for results with strong graphics strategies.

12 Days of content: CTA buttons (video)


On the ninth day of content, web marketing gave to me: Nine calls to action.

12 Days of content: Infographics (video)


On the seventh day of content, web marketing gave to me: Seven infographics

Brafton ranks among Top 10 Best Infographic Design Companies for Dec. 2013


You know a good graphic when you see it, but with all the agencies on the web, how can you identify a good infographic marketing partner at first glance? Look […]

Generating leads through social: The best types of content for ROI


Brands’ social content will be even more engaging when it contains pictures and videos, according to a recent Adobe study.

How to turn text into a compelling graphic – 3rd Thursday Tip


People want infographics to convey important info, fast. These 4 steps help you create smart marketing graphics capture attention and leads.

How simple design tweaks can make your CTAs 40x more successful


Looking for more ROI? Start with calls to action. One company’s success story shows how these easy-to-overlook features control conversions.

Will GIFs take the social media space by storm?


Think GIFs are just for Buzzfeed? Think again, because GIFs are coming to Twitter newsfeeds and marketers may want to get moving on this motion-based content.

5 types of marketing GIFs your customers won’t be able to resist


GIFs aren’t just a daily distraction. They can vastly improve your visual content by animating static images.